Monday, May 12, 2008

Cough, Cough

I have had this lingering cough going on for abt. 2 months now. SOOOOOOOOO sick of it. Yes, I made a doc. appt. Little miss Hunter is taking her nap and we will be taking off within the hour. Now, I am a smoker, and no, I am not looking for sympathy. That is my choice. Although I do not smoke as much as the "average" smoker, and I am so NOT trying to justify this whole bad habit. But seriously, 2 months of coughing is getting to be a bit much. The past few day my upper back started to bother me, and of course I am getting all paranoid thinking it is my lungs and that maybe I have pnemonia. So, lets just get all this worrying out of the way and suckk it up and go to see the local doc. Maybe its nothing. But I would rather be safe than sorry.
Randon thought. I was taking my shower today and noticed that I have A LOT of things in my shower. Bottles, scrubs, etc. 19. Yep, thats right 19 bottles of this and that. For 2 people. 5 of those are for Hunter. How many things do you have in your shower?? Think I'm going to quit adding new ones for awhile and use up what I got.
Dr. Phil is on now. I love Dr. Phil. His whole say it like it is, not feeling sorry for you, suck it up and deal philosophy. He does give a lot of help to people as well.
Question for you all. I have noticed in some blogs that I read, you guys put periods in the center of names of places, or brand names, stores etc. What is the point of this and am I SUPPOSED to be doing it?????????????? Walmart vs. Wal.mart for example???????????????


Nellie said...

The periods in the middle of words are so that if someone typed the word Walmart into a search engine, like Google, that your blog wouldn't pop up with the search results. But I've since learned that when a little blog like ours mentions a name brand, movie, etc... the likelyhood of it popping up as a search engine result are very slim. So it really isn't necessary.

Nellie said...

I hope you are feeling better, what happend at the doc?

Yeah, I'd say you should use up some of those products before buying more!! 19! Geez! :)

Greg said...

What my wife has told is is only MOSTLY true. It was explained to us that because we are small, insignificant blogs that it would not matter if we typed the whole name or put a period in.

If someone typed Walmart into google and searched, our blogs WILL show up, it just won't be in the top 10 pages, or even in the top 10,000 pages for that matter. The chances of someone finding your blog on a search engine because you write Walmart, or Captian Morgan are probably about a million to one.

Hope you are feeling better!