Friday, May 30, 2008

The first time. . . so far

Well, every Friday the babes goes to daycare, which she LOVES! Always talking abt. Jenni (daycare lady) and all the other kids that she sees there. But today, she woke up up saying that she wanted to stay with momma. She even shed a few tears when we got there with the thought of me leaving. . until. . she got offered breakfast!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this little lady can be persuaded to do just abt. anything for some food. Scary if you think abt. it. (I mean with strangers of course). So, I went on my merry way and should I say *scored* at a couple garage sales today. Hunter has enought clothes to last her for the next 2 yrs. plus! Crazy, I know, but lets just hope that someday I will have another little girl to dress.
Speaking of babies. I think I have the baby blues. Not the kind you get after delivering a baby, but the I really want to have another baby, like right now. If I was pregnant again, I would be totally content. Ya know how I have been feeling nautious taking the Chantix?? People at work keep asking me if I am preggers when I mention that I am not feeling well. And I say "I WISH!" May sound a bit wild to some people considering that I am not married, not do I even have a prospect that I am dating, but that is just how I feel. So, I will be patient, and continue to wait until the "right" person comes along. For now.
Today was also the first day I actually had to get off my chair and run to the toilet cuz I really thought I was gonna throw up after taking my pill. But I didn't. Wheew! At a little and we are all up hill from here. One and 1/2 smokes in 6 days. That is where I am at right now.
Oh gosh, I almost forgot. On my way to work yesterday around 3:30, I witnessed a horrible accident on hwy 61. It was crazy and the kind of thing you only see in movies. A semi and 2 trucks were involved. 3 men, and I hope they are all alright. I saw 2 men get out of their trucks, but this van. . I saw it flip in the air at least twice while taking out a really tall light pole (I think). It all really happened so fast, I was shaking and also glad to see that the lady in front of me was already on the phone taling to someone, and I can only believe that it was the police. Wow, driving can be so dangerous. And they say statistically that flying in an airplane is far safer! I am scared to death of planes, but drive around with my daughter all the time! Go figure. Anyways, with a closing note, I hope and pray that everyone involved in yesterdays accident is doing well. Please do the same. It was really scary to watch.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Scary thing to see T!! Glad you weren't involved anymore that just seeing it!

Hope you and H are doing good. Hope to see you two soon:)