Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not focusing: Nellies Nook

I have a buttload of pics to post and some stories to share abt. my past weekend visiting my sis in Illinois! But seriously, my brain is not wanting to take the time to do it right now. So, without further ado, I will make you just wait. . . . until I am good and ready. But just thought I would do a quick post to let you all know that I have not forgotten the fact that I do have a blog, and have sooooo NOT been updating it as much as I should.


OhCaptain said...

I will just sit here tapping my foot until it updates.

tap, tap, tap, tap...

Tanya said...

sorry oh cap, i'm a busy lady!


Can't wait for a real post! But will be patient!

Nellie said...

busy, busy, busy... sucks sometimes doesn't it?! were we still planning on my house mon? or wed? can't remember.