Wednesday, October 1, 2008

wella wella wednesday

Worked until 2am this mornin and got up at the butt crack of dawn to bring g-ma to a doc appt. Wow. Tired. Went to breakfast at Perkins.
So, yeah. Ever since I have gotten a dvr, I am so concious of how much t.v. Hunter and I are watching. So, my new thing is. . . . .all t.v. off for 2 to 3 hours a day. I turn on the tunes and H and I do whatever. Clean house, have a dance party, shake maracas, read books, play with toys, dishes, computer, color whatever. Oh and lots of singing!!
Kris and I are talking abt. having a Pleasure Party! Yay! I think a couples one at that! Who's up?? A night of no kids, lots of friends and some coctails!!! Maybe an evening on the town afterwards! Yeah baby! Just something to keep in mind everybody!
And yes, for all those inquiring minds. . . Hunter is finally finally finally getting some hair! Must be a combo of growing faster and NOT being in the sun at the pool every week so it is getting darker. Love it. She wants a pony sooo bad. Pretty soon baby!
On a whole nother note. Rumor (from my supervisors) at work is that within the next 4 months or so, we might be having another rebid on our hours at work. Starting with the most senority, working down. I have finally gotten used to my hours, and for the most part are loving them. Love working 10 hr days and having 3 off every week. But if the option comes up again to go back to working day shift (8am to 6pm) instead of my hours (2pm to 12am) what to do? Most likely I would still have to work weekends either way. Whatever. Not gonna worry abt. it until it comes up. Would you believe that even though I have worked there for over 10 yrs. that I still come up towards the bottom end of the totem pole!

1 comment:


I wold love to come to a pleasure party...with $ so tight I may not be abe to afford at 80 dollar light-up shlong