Sunday, September 28, 2008


I am in a very weird place right now. Had yesterday off from work, went out with Kurt and had a flippin blast!! Went out early, came home early. Woke up VERY early! Looked outside at Kurts car, not really sure why, but thought that it might have a smashed windshield. His car was parked at my house all night. Walked outside to look at it. Not smashed. Someone dumped an ashtray on it. And then Kurt came out, to look. 2 of his tires slashed. I have never been a big fan of the work psycho, but HELLO! His ex is a effin crazy lady who needs to leave us the F alone. The cops were called. A report was done. No way to prove that it was her, but we know. The cops went to look at her house in her vehicle to see if they could find the tool used. My house was also getting prank phone calls earlier this week. I just do not even know what to think. She is 34 yrs. old and needs to grow up. If this stuff keeps happening they are thinking abt. filing stalking charges and suggest to get a restraining order. This shit is crazy. I have never had to deal with anything like this. WTF? That is all I am thinking right now.


OhCaptain said...


Strength, Determinence, and Persevere... said...

Wow , hun! Sorry to hear that. Do not keep your vehicle outside or anything valuable if I were you. How did she find out? Maybe from now on, I would let him park in the garage so he does not have such a big target on his vehicle and your house. Stay safe and love you. Tell him I say hi and he better be nice to you or I will kick a lil booty! ;)


that blows i dealt with wack job xs before but noy like that!