The new little clan member we oogle so much! What a doll you are!!!
Any one been to Colvill Park lately?? They are building a MASSIVE play area for the kids. It looks to be almost done, but no access yet. How fun for all out little ones! Remember when we were little and we got to play on a single slide, double teeter totter, set of swings, yada yada?
Went out a couple weeks ago to practice darts. The season is soon approaching!! Yay! Our drinks were adorned with little skirts. We are total dorks, but that is okay, we had fun!!!
Ond day mom stopped by to say hi. And when she was leaving. Hunter and the care bear clan all had to wave goodbye. It was cute!
Stopped over at Uncle Roos last week to see how the house is coming along. I am proud of him. This house is gonna be a great little pad for him. Mom was cleaning the kitchen, and of course, Miss H joined in. What a little cleaner. I will remind her of these photos when she is 16 and not wanting to keep her room clean!!!
This year for Halloween Miss H is gonna be a dragon! Woa, a little boyish, but whatever. The costume is warm and she seems to like it. I will be working that night, but daddy will be taking her out!
Last and not least. I took a couple long go go gadget arm shots today at the park. I love you little girl!!!
And that brings me to now. Kurt and Hunter and I are gonna go check out the new bowling alley at the casino and throw a couple balls. Come home, watch some t.v. Hope that my phone doesn't ring and that nobody is roaming around my damn house outside!!!!!! ttfn
super cute pics!
we have cute kids.
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