Got up today, went and ran errands. Funny how the local trip to WalMart can so easily end up being $200 dollars when you haven't gone grocery shopping for awhile! FYI- this post will be random and all over the place. . . much like my brain, did any of you get that forward that I emailed abt. why women can't sleep??? Yes, that is my head. ALL the time. I am ALMOST done with the 4th book of the Twilight series. I should have been done by now, but geesh, this is a fat one. Had my yearly physical earlier this month, and was told to start exercising. (did I spell that right?) Anyway, yes I know its healthy and good for me blah blah blah. I am either just plain sick of winter, getting burnt out on my job or yeah, I'm sure a combo of both. Work has been super slow lately. Dread even going. I did however purchase a lotto ticket last week, haven't checked it though. So who knows, I could be a millionaire!!! Wouldn't that be great!!
Kurt and I are still together. 4 1/2 months now! Things are going pretty well I have to say. A few bumps in the road, all part of still getting to know things abt. each other, likes/dislikes. . . etc. He is going to Jamaica sometime soon. Yeah, sooooo jealous! One thing I must say though. . . this is the slowest relationship I have ever been in. And I am totally NOT saying that is a bad thing. . . cuz for those of you who know me well, know that I move from "hi" to "when are we getting married" pretty quickly. . . .so this is different for me, but I am rolling with it day by day. Still no "I love yous" but hints and close calls. . . .
Finally gave the Jeep a bath last night on my way home from work. What a filthy little thing!
Laundry and cleaning the house seem to be on the rest of my "to-do" list today, all the crap that never gets finished bcuz it. . . just never does.
Oh, spring. Where art thou?
Um, yeah, gonna be 31 this year, what the????? Hunter wants another birthday party. WOW! I simply told her that Ellie and Miss Nora will have to celebrate theirs first. She was okay with that!
Excited to . . . . yeah, I forgot what I was excited abt. Hunter had a runny nose, got a Kleenex, came back to typing, and totally forgot what I was gonna write! WOW! Okay, so yeah, enuf for now. Lets see if I can find some pics to post! These are not in any particular order, just a few from the last couple months.
Umm, oh yeah! I am excited for The Bachelor tonight!!!!
1 comment:
yay! I miss your posts, welcome back!
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